Tia Natalie and Eduardo! The Gardner family received great news this week! They will be leaving on Sunday, May 14th to travel to bring their son home! As you can see he’s super excited and can’t wait to be home with his forever family! He’s looking so much older and his English skills are getting great! He can’t wait to play with his new sisters!
The beautiful Tait sisters met for the first time on Sunday night too! Hannah and Anna Julia seemed to be two pees in a pod! Don’t they look just alike! AJ is ready to get home to her other brothers and sisters & mommy and daddy very soon too!
Ill be posting more of what I can as I receive picutres from the team! Please continue to pray for the group as they will be working with hundreds of more children today in rural villages and orphanages. Pray for the hearts of the children and adults they will encounter and pray for their boldness and courage. We love and miss them much and know this is going to be an incredible week for them all! Stay tuned for more updates! ~Ashley
Excellent pictures! Looks like everyone had a great time last night! I will continue to pray for a wonderful week for you all as you glorify God in El Salvador. Can’t wait to see more pictures and hear more news!