“So many things were beyond belief for me today, but the first thing that God revealed to me was how blessed I am. I know it’s what most people say, but it is such an intense and humbling experience to see the hurt and conditions that children around the world endure each and every day. Secondly, God is such a great God. He just reassured me that through the few hours that I was able to spend with Hosea, Francisco, and the other boys in the special needs area that I am doing the right job, career, or whatever you want to call it. Thirdly, but not lastly, I was awed by how God just showed me how to listen to Him more. As Hosea sat on my lap for an hour, and was unable to speak or even understand my words, he listened and smiled. So for nothing else, I was able to sit and listen to God today with an awesome kid in my lap holding my hand”. …..Laine Cooper
“Today was a blessing seeing an old friend at CIPI. His name is Nelson, and he has been at the orphanage the past three trips I’ve taken. He is still living with other special needs children who have very few care givers to feed, bathe, and love on them. It breaks my heart to be so blessed and then see so many with nothing. I am asking God this week to teach me how I can make a difference in the least of these. I am very honored to be a part of this mission trip. I also thank Starfish Orphan Ministry for this opportunity. Please pray for the lost and abandoned in El Salvador”. ……Lauren Kephart
Tomorrow the group will head to San Martin, a large special needs home. They will play games with them, make crafts, listen to music, and just love on God’s sweet people. They will also visit the AIDS orphanage where there is a little seven year old girl just waiting for immediate adoption. After lunch, they will be feeding the people of the Squatter’s Camp along with giving them Bibles. It is sure to be a long an emotional day. PLEASE PRAY for the team members as they are stepping out of their comfort zones to bring the love of Christ to those in need!
That’s really great job, I love your ministry. My name is Sandhya. My father is Pastor. We are helping Orphan children. I need your help & encouragement.