The day is here! Starfish Orphan Ministry’s April 2010 mission team is leaving for El Salvador! Meet us tonight at 5:30 at the Starfish offices at 28Th & Clark Streets for a send off! We will pray for the team and those they will be serving while they’re gone.
Please follow and support our April team by following this blog daily. We will do our best to provide pictures, prayer requests and daily updates. If you are unable to make it to the prayer send off this evening, check back for photos of the team as they prepare!

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after ORPHANS and WIDOWS in their distress and to keep ONESELF from being POLLUTED by the world… James 1:27
Unable to travel but want to support the Starfish Orphan Ministry mission teams?
1. PRAY… It is often a difficult but unbelievable blessing to be par of a mission project. It can be stressful, take you out of your comfort zone and stretch you to your limits. Pray for each team member and the children and adults they will be ministering to throughout the week. Pray for their strength, health and endurance. Pray that any language barriers would be taken away.
2. Volunteer… If you want to have a hands-on connection to these children, but are unable to travel, volunteer to help our July team prepare. There are many upcoming fundraisers and preparation of supplies that will need to be done prior to the next trip!
3. Donate… You can choose to sponsor a specific item, event, group, etc. $5 can buy new shoes for two orphan children, $10 can feed 5 homeless street children, $20 will provide rice and beans for several families for a week, $100 buys desperately needed disposable diapers for an orphanage for weeks, and $1,000 can help purchase a clean water system to provide filtered drinking water for an entire orphanage.
If you feel led to make a financial contribution to our efforts, please visit our website at
You can make a general donation to the team and their efforts and we will wire the funds to them. Or, if you want to designate a specific need you would like to meet, we can do our best to send you pictures of how your donation helps. Remember, Starfish Orphan Ministry is a 501c3 organization, and all donations are tax deductible.