Last night several members of the team went out with Kurt to feed homeless. There were more than 200 individuals they were able to feed, and most of them were children. Even though it was raining for most of the time, they were truly blessed to serve those in need.

A special thank you to Gospel Mission Church for their donation for food for last nights project…

In addition to CISNA, the team traveled to La Casa de mi Padre today as well. They did Bible School activities with the kids, and had a short but wonderful visit. We hope to have pictures from that visit, with many familiar faces, tomorrow!
Please continue to pray for the team tomorrow. They will be traveling to the town of San Martin to work in the special needs orphanage. It houses over 100 severe special needs residents from ages 7 through adults. This is often the most challenging day for many and is sure to be emotionally filled as well.
Weeks like this could not come together without God’s provision and your support. They are seeing so many blessings each day, and being blessed in return by the children. Thank you all so much for your continued prayers!
In His name,
Love seeing the pictures! Benson and I are following, praying, and are so with you in our hearts!! God bless!