Below is one person’s account of the day. , , ,
It’s one thing to know about poverty intellectually, it’s another to hold it, touch it, feel it – to see poverty cry.
It’s not “it’s” – it’s people, God’s children. We fed the homeless & yet our food ran out. We left other homeless people hungry. I called God to talk to Him about this & asked him, “Why are things this way? Why are there so many people in need?” He looked at me & said, “I was about to ask you the same question.”
Jesus says when we feed & clothe the hungry, we feed & clothe Him. I met Jesus today. I was surprised. He was a toothless Spanish woman with a disabled child. When we gave her some food, she turned into the “widow’s mite”. Without enough to feed her own family for the day, she asked our little group in & offered us the few tortillas she had in her house (if you call her broken down shed – a house). She asked us to pray for Eduardo, a mentally challenged, physically handicapped child. We could only pray that God’s love would somehow permeate what seemed to be a hopeless situation.
I saw a young teen-age girl sit & hold the hand of a special needs child with Aids for a solid hour. She never moved. She just held her hand & when she left, she wept bitterly. We all wept.
I don’t understand all this. I don’t know how to solve any of this. I do like the names on our shirts – Starfish.
Somehow, someway, just to help one. I don’t know if we will help one or change one but they have helped me.
Phyl & I send this in tears & at the same time, we send it with much joy. Kurt, the missionary, is unbelievable.
Our interpreters have been fantastic & priceless. We have met so many other wonderful Christians doing His work.
Hazel & her family from Madison, Mississippi. Claire & Lilly, two teenagers, from Paducah. Melissa from Washington, D.C. who works with adoptions & another Melissa working with orphanges here in hopes of adopting a little one herself. Our own teenagers continue to amaze us!
As we close, we hear our teenagers singing in the background. They are recounting what they saw, what they heard, who they touched & who touched them. We are all touched! We have been touched by the hand of God!
~Charlie Brien
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Special Thanks to all who have donated Beanie Babies! They are LOVED! |
Family in front of their house that His Children built. (that is the ministry that our host missionaries have) |