Today the team was back at CIPI staying very busy! In addition to the Easter programs they put on, there were many activities throughout the day that they offered for the children.
I talked to Christan Flowers earlier, and here is what she had to say:
“Great day of special moments! Spa Day with teenage girls…makeup and nails done, girls lined up to have their hair done by Leigh Ann. Puppet shows for special needs
children and popsicles for everyone of all ages. Boys ages 7-10 played soccer and basketball all day with new soccer balls and basketballs provided by our team. Message of Christ and hope shared with everyone. Many teen girls crying and praying and clinging to team members when they left.”
Tonight, some members of the team will be going out with Kurt to feed the homless. Please pray for their safety and strength during these hours. They will be able to feed hundreds of homeless children and adults in San Salvador this evening. They are currently experiencing thunderstorms which could make things a little difficult. Please pray for their stamina and boldness as they show the love of Christ to the homeless.
Continue to keep the team in your prayers as they move on to other orphanages tomorrow. They will be holding Easter services for the boys home at CISNA… This is a former women’s prison that has been converted into a large, older boys orphanage. Pray that they would be able to connect with the children despite any language barriers or apprehensions. Pray that the boys would have open ears and hearts to hear what they have to say.
The team will also hopefully be visiting our friends at La Casa De Mi Padre tomorrow! Be in prayer for the children there as well as, Alexia, Patti and the other Tias, Tios & workers that this would be a wonderful week.

So far everyone is safe, healthy and receiving unbelivable blessings through these new experiences. We will continue to try to update the blog daily. Sometimes the team has limited access to send them, so we appologize for the delays!
Stay tuned for tomorrow!
Thanks for following along!
In His name…
I am keeping the team and the children to whom they are ministering in my prayers. God will bless these acts of love and accept them as worship. He is worthy!!!