“Yesterday when we went to the orphanage for a few hours, I mainly just held the babies and sat with some toddlers. I didn’t really get involved with the kids or let God guide me and show me how to minister to the kids. Today, however, I said a prayer right before we entered the orphanage and asked God to help me love the little children like he did and does. I spent the majority of my day painting smiling faces and holding the hand of a little girl that is mentally handicapped. Not only did I get to bless these kids with a little more love than they usually get, but they blessed me so much as well. I have experienced far greater joy today than anything I could feel back home in Kentucky. I have fallen in love with the orphans!”—Kathyrn Beale
“I am drawn to the baby room like a magnet…they are so precious and innocent….just to be able to hold them and pray over them is such a blessing! I’d love to have them all. The highlight of my day was face painting with the teenage girls. B** is one of the new girls whose mother tried to sell her so she ran away. I asked her if she wanted me to paint her face..she said no…she wanted to paint mine! I sat close to her as she gently and tenderly touched my face and arms with her soft brush strokes..you could tell she was loving it! What an amazing gift…thank you Lord for giving our family this precious time together….loving and serving your children!”—-Sandra Allison
“Today was a busy day. Here’s the reader’s
digest version–to CIPI for Bible story/puppet shows, painting doors and walls–to nursing home for fellowship with elderly..what a special treat-they are smart and have amazing stories. After lunch, back to CIPI for more wall painting, face painting, holding babies. Two things stand out. Kurt has a vision (and I believe a divine calling) to build his own boys orphanage; it happens that God provided a tract of land in a safe, secure, beautiful location. This will be a big project for Kurt, but God is in the big project business. Pray for favor from the
government, financial resources, successful creation of charitable foundations, and for Kurt as this process moves forward. Make this prayer a priority, not a trite request. Secondly, we will eat three large meals today with the mission team. Tonight, part of our team will take food to the homeless in San Salvador. It is heartbreaking but I suspect tens of thousands of God’s children in this city will not eat today, and there at child who will go to bed hungry tonight a few hundred yards from where we will grill burgers. Pray for Starfish Orphan Ministry, Kurt Ackerman and family, John and Laura Roberts, and mission teams who are working in El Salvador. Matthew 25:34-40–Hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, strangers; God loves the “least of these”..his children just as much as you and I.”—-Bob Beale
“As the oldest on the trip..Boy, I never thought I’d say that I will share an experience from the “older folks” home! Don’t get me wrong the children are out of this world; but a 93 year old man, Adam, asked me to help him to the cafeteria! Of 75 older folks and 25 of “us” figure the odds. Those who know me are aware I’m not a big “God-thing” type person. Well, guess what? My new friend is a recovered alcoholic like myself. Sober for 22 years. He shared his life story, about working on the Panama Canal for years, about his three sons, and about being a member of a certain 12 step group. When I shared with him how God has been working a miracle in my life for eighteen and a half months, he pointed heavenward and said “Ah, yes the Almighty”! He, too, believed God is his miracle. When we said our goodbye, he touched me on the chest and called me his COMPANION. I’ve decided some things are simply a “God-thing”; little miracles like I experienced on this Independence Day. What are the odds it was merely coincidence?”—Mike Ward

Prayer Requests…
The team is so thankful for your continued prayers. They are making deeper connections with His children as the days go by and emotions are increasing. God is working in wonderful ways! Tuesday the group will be serving children and patients from an El Salvador AIDS organizaion. Please pray that God will give them strength to encourage and share with these sweet people in need of God’s love. Please also pray for the homeless living on the streets of San Salvador. The team will be passing out meals and sharing with them how much our Jesus loves them, several times this week!
Praying for the whole team!! Love reading your posts each day! Excited to see how your lives are changing!