Today we were blessed to visit CISNA, the boys home in the former women’s prison. It was a wonderful day with the boys!
Below is Diego! He is an adorable young boy with a very special heart. We met him several years ago and he became very close with Jay Michael. Last year, Deigo prayed to accept Christ!
The boys had a GREAT day!
Gospel Mission church provided all the hot dogs that the boys could eat! Each child got a hot dog, chips, Oreos and a drink.
They loved it, and some of them ate many hot dogs!
Our Bible Story team, did our famous drama, and the boys truly enjoyed it. The men gave them talks on repsonsibility. We let them tie dye or brush paint T-shirts. Many of them pocess a lot of talent. They rally enjoyed painting the shirts, and were so anxious to wear them!

The team did some MUCH NEEDED cleaning,
The team did some MUCH NEEDED cleaning,
and many team members played soccer with the boys.
As our group left, one of the boys said, “Today was better than Christmas!” The truth is, today was more than most of these boys have ever had on a Christmas morning.
John 14:18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
Wednesday the group worked with mud slide victims and saw many blessings!
Look for Wednesday’s post soon!
Please pray for the team on Thursday as they visit St. Martin, a town outside of SanSalvador where they will go to a large special needs home and an HIV/AIDS orphanage. This is often the most favorite, yet most emotional day for many visitors. Pray for their emotions as well as for the precious children and adults they will encounter!